
1953 – several awards for Applied Graphics in 1952, Society of Architects, Slovenia

1965 – “Kajuhova” award, Publisher – Borec , Ljubljana, Slovenia

1966 – “Sterijino” award for set design, staging drama performance “Pohujšanje v dolini šentflorjanski” by Ivan Cankar, in SNG Drama Ljubljana (Slovenian National Theatre) . Together with Melita Vovk and Mile Korun, “Sterijino pozorje” , Novi Sad, Serbia

1969 – “Prešeren Fund” award, for the summer of 1968, for achievements in the fields of theatre set design and graphic design

*by decree of the President of the Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia (FPR Yugoslavia, FPRY) , he was awarded with the Order of Merit to the Nation with Silver star, in 1963