
1953 – Slovenian applied graphics in 1952, DAS (Society of Architects) , Ljubljana, Slovenia,

since 1956 – constant participant in exhibitions with The Association of Applied Arts Artists, Slovenia


1965 – Theatrical costume and scenography, Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia

1966 – 1st Triennale, Theatre Set and Costume Design, Novi Sad, Serbia

1967 – Contemporary Slovenian graphics and typography, Ljubljana, Frankfurt, Moscow

1967 –  Praque Quadrenniale, theatrical scenery and costume

1969 – 2nd Triennale, Theatre Set and Costume Design, Novi Sad, Serbia

1975/76 – Contemporary Slovenian design, Belgrade, Celje, Maribor, Novi Sad, Zagreb

1979 – Slovenian architecture, urbanism, design and photography, from 1945 to 1978, AML (The Museum of Architecture and Design) , Ljubljana